Diana & the Doodles

Read My Story &
 Connect With Me 

Are you grappling with a persistent challenge, big or small? Have you exhausted traditional or unconventional therapies, and even yourself, without lasting success? Are you ready to try a new something but haven't stumbled upon the right solution yet? That's where Diana Doodles Daily comes in!

Diana Doodles Daily gently guides you towards the remarkable benefits of gradual positive change through a self-compassion daily practice. Our community of subscribers once stood exactly where you are, weary from attempts to find solutions and  relief before discovering the transformative power of Daily Doodles.

While Diana Doodles Daily doesn't replace professional medical help, the daily doodles are designed to uplift and inspire you, nudging you towards embracing a daily routine of self-compassion. It takes less than 2 minutes a day to view a doodle, and your donation of less than $0.17 cents a day supports our ongoing work. What do you have to lose? Only the weight of inner burdens.

I'm Diana Bluthenthal, the founder and daily creator of Diana Doodles. For three decades, I thrived as a children's book illustrator until a traumatic brain injury altered my life's trajectory. The loss of my artistic career felt like losing a part of myself, but through perseverance and resilience, I discovered a new purpose in supporting my family and rediscovering my passion for art in a new form.

If you've experienced the challenges of life, whether a brain injury or other physical or mental challenge firsthand, or if you know someone who has, you understand the uphill battle it entails. But amidst the struggles, there's hope for a fulfilling life. Let Diana Doodles Daily accompany you on your journey towards healing and self-discovery.

The Journey of Diana Doodles 

After my family's healing journey stabilized, I redirected my passion towards helping others. Despite a nine-year hiatus from drawing and the deficits of my own brain injury, I courageously embraced a new challenge: digital drawing. Over a year and a half, I navigated the steep learning curve of mastering digital programs and tools while creating "Doodles"—simple sketches paired with uplifting messages. The warm and positive response on social media led me to found a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering self-compassion and resilience. Thus, the daily doodles were born. With over 650 doodles created so far, my commitment to this daily ritual underscores its significance.  

My goal is to touch as many hearts as possible
through Diana Doodles. For a modest contribution of only $5 to $7 a month, subscribers receive regular uplifting messages created by me. Join me for a month to experience firsthand the life-supporting impact of Diana Doodles! This effort is 100% donation led, and your subscription supports its mission entirely.  

Your $0.17 cents a day contributes directly to building something beautiful. Will you be a part of it? Try the Daily Doodles for a month. Simply click the blue button below. Unsure if the doodles are for you? Subscribe anyway and share them with a friend in need.  Thank you for your heartfelt support!

What Others Are Saying about Diana Doodles:

"Thank you very much for Diana Doodles. I love and embrace your doodles and the writings that go along with them. You are gifted, and charming, and I'm enjoying them much more than I expected. I don't know how someone can be as proliferate as you are on a daily basis. Very impressive. "

  "Thank you for your passion for producing the Daily Doodles! Just seeing the email in my inbox each morning, I smile -- even before I open and read it."  

"Your words are hugs to all your readers. You have a unique way of writing where each reader feels you are talking directly to them individually. What a precious gift!"

 "Your doodles bring people into the here and now. Whenever I open your doodles, it's kind of like everything else just fades away for a minute. And they really make you think, wow. I mean, if you're stressed about work or something else, the doodles kind of bring you home.”